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Faribault Falcons

About our Club

The National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) brings the sport of archery to millions of students in schools across the United States. Faribault Public Schools has taught the NASP archery program in the 6th grade Phy-ed class for the past 5 years. The main objectives the class covers are: archery history, safety, technique, equipment, mental concentration, and self-improvement.

Archery is a life-long sport engaging students of all genders, physical abilities, and backgrounds, even aiding participation in students with disabilities. Archery is a physical activity in which boys and girls can participate together and puts athletes and non-athletes on a level playing field.NASP routinely transforms previously unreachable "high risk" students by unlocking self-esteem and transforming individual lives forever:   
- Improve school attendance   
- Increase self-esteem   
- Increase physical activity   
- Get kids out-of-doors